"This file is a list of planned observations by the Cassini spacecraft from Prime Mission to End of Mission, in SPASS format." "Notes on Cassini ""SPASS"" format (Science Planning Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet): " "Request name is Prime instrument, REV#, target, observation name, instance, prime vs rider. For target list see the Moons list" "Rider is which other instruments were also taking data. C=CIRS, I=ISS, U=UVIS, V=VIMS, M=one or more fields & particles instrument (although, they were all on all the time), and R=either RSS or RADAR, in warmup mode" "Start time & end time (SCET) are in spacecraft event time. Start time can also be an epoch. GMB=Ground Moveable Block, LMB = Live Movable Block" "Primary is primary pointing of the spacecraft, both which body vector and which target (Instrument boresights are along -Y which is nearly the same as ISS_NAC and the UVIS/CIRS/VIMS boresights)" "Secondary pointing describes the rotation of the spacecraft around the primary, boresight and direction (approximately)" Request Riders Start (SCET) Start (Epoch) Duration End (SCET) Primary Secondary Comments ISS_007DI_MUTUALEVE001_PRIME 2005-125T01:28:39 000T00:30:57 2005-125T01:59:36 ISS_NAC to Dione NEG_X to Sun Transit of Dione across Epimetheus ISS_011EP_STEREO001_PRIME "C, M, U, V" 2005-195T21:49:22 GMB_E011_Enceladus+000T01:54:00 000T00:45:00 2005-195T22:34:22 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_X to 100.0/-35.0 ISS_014EP_MUTUALEVE002_PRIME 2005-251T20:40:00 000T01:10:00 2005-251T21:50:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Enceladus ISS_016JA_MUTUALEVE002_PRIME M 2005-278T16:40:00 000T01:20:00 2005-278T18:00:00 ISS_NAC to Janus POS_Z to Sun Transit of Janus across Epimetheus ISS_016PM_MUTUALEVE005_PRIME C 2005-286T02:16:00 000T00:40:00 2005-286T02:56:00 ISS_NAC to Prometheus NEG_Z to Sun Transit of Prometheus across Epimetheus ISS_016MI_MUTUALEVE005_PRIME C 2005-286T02:56:00 000T00:34:00 2005-286T03:30:00 ISS_NAC to Mimas NEG_Z to Sun Transit of Mimas across Epimetheus ISS_018EP_MUTUALEVE012_PRIME 2005-333T01:08:00 000T00:32:00 2005-333T01:40:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_X to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_019HY_JANEPIMUT001_PRIME "C, M, U, V" 2005-357T02:21:00 000T03:39:00 2005-357T06:00:00 ISS_NAC to Satellites POS_X to NSP Hyperion then Janus/Epimetheus ISS_019EP_MUTUALEVE013_PRIME "M, V" 2005-359T08:00:00 000T00:55:00 2005-359T08:55:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_X to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_019EP_MUTUALEVE008_PRIME 2006-005T01:22:00 000T01:30:00 2006-005T02:52:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Dione ISS_020EP_MUTUALEVE008_PRIME 2006-020T00:55:00 000T01:33:00 2006-020T02:28:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_X to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Tethys ISS_022EP_MUTUALEVE017_PRIME M 2006-079T09:00:00 000T00:32:00 2006-079T09:32:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_X to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_023EP_MUTUALEVE019_PRIME 2006-105T14:38:00 000T00:40:00 2006-105T15:18:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_X to Sun Transit of Epimetheus across Helene ISS_023EN_MUTUALEVE031_PRIME 2006-105T15:18:00 000T00:35:00 2006-105T15:53:00 ISS_NAC to Enceladus NEG_X to Sun Transit of Enceladus across Epimetheus ISS_023EN_MUTUALEVE032_PRIME 2006-107T00:16:00 000T00:44:00 2006-107T01:00:00 ISS_NAC to Enceladus NEG_X to Sun Transit of Enceladus across Epimetheus ISS_023HE_MUTUALEVE012_PRIME 2006-107T04:50:00 000T00:30:00 2006-107T05:20:00 ISS_NAC to Helene NEG_X to Sun Transit of Helene across Epimetheus ISS_023EN_MUTUALEVE037_PRIME 2006-112T05:50:00 000T01:10:00 2006-112T07:00:00 ISS_NAC to Enceladus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Enceladus across Epimetheus ISS_023JA_MUTUALEVE016_PRIME 2006-115T18:15:00 000T00:45:00 2006-115T19:00:00 ISS_NAC to Janus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Janus across Epimetheus ISS_023EP_MUTUALEVE014_PRIME 2006-118T07:50:00 000T00:45:00 2006-118T08:35:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Titan ISS_024JA_MUTUALEVE018_PRIME R 2006-139T06:56:00 000T02:00:00 2006-139T08:56:00 ISS_NAC to Janus POS_X to NSP Transit of Janus across Epimetheus ISS_024TI_MUTUALEVE018_PRIME M 2006-153T12:45:00 000T01:00:00 2006-153T13:45:00 ISS_NAC to Titan NEG_Z to NSP Transit of Titan across Epimetheus ISS_024MI_MUTUALEVE013_PRIME M 2006-158T13:00:00 000T00:30:00 2006-158T13:30:00 ISS_NAC to Mimas POS_Z to NSP Transit of Mimas across Epimetheus ISS_024EP_MUTUALEVE007_PRIME M 2006-160T07:45:00 000T00:30:00 2006-160T08:15:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Rhea ISS_025JA_MUTUALEVE013_PRIME M 2006-166T08:00:00 000T01:00:00 2006-166T09:00:00 ISS_NAC to Janus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Janus across Epimetheus ISS_025EP_MUTUALEVE012_PRIME M 2006-167T09:00:00 000T00:30:00 2006-167T09:30:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_025EP_MUTUALEVE001_PRIME M 2006-167T09:30:00 000T01:00:00 2006-167T10:30:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Mimas ISS_025JA_MUTUALEVE016_PRIME M 2006-168T10:30:00 000T00:30:00 2006-168T11:00:00 ISS_NAC to Janus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Janus across Epimetheus ISS_025EP_MUTUALEVE002_PRIME M 2006-174T08:00:00 000T01:00:00 2006-174T09:00:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_Z to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Dione ISS_025MI_MUTUALEVE014_PRIME M 2006-191T08:21:00 000T01:00:00 2006-191T09:21:00 ISS_NAC to Mimas POS_X to NSP Transit of Mimas across Epimetheus ISS_026EP_MUTUALEVE004_PRIME M 2006-195T03:06:00 000T01:00:00 2006-195T04:06:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_X to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_026EP_MUTUALEVE006_PRIME M 2006-196T12:36:00 000T01:00:00 2006-196T13:36:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_X to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_044EP_EPIMETORB001_PRIME "M, U" 2007-127T05:45:00 000T03:30:00 2007-127T09:15:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to NSP ISS_044EP_EPIMETORB002_PRIME "M, U" 2007-127T11:15:00 000T02:30:00 2007-127T13:45:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to NSP ISS_044EP_EPIMETORB003_PRIME "M, U" 2007-127T17:15:00 000T02:30:00 2007-127T19:45:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to NSP ISS_050MI_MUTUALEVE001_PRIME 2007-276T16:49:00 000T00:41:00 2007-276T17:30:00 ISS_NAC to Mimas POS_X to North_Pole_Dir Transit of Mimas across Epimetheus ISS_053EP_GEOLOG001_PRIME "C, M, U, V" 2007-337T07:54:49 GMB_E053_Ring_RSS_Occ+000T02:38:49 000T00:39:00 2007-337T08:33:49 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_X to North_Pole_Dir ISS_121PA_MUTUALEVE001_PRIME M 2009-327T03:52:00 000T00:53:00 2009-327T04:45:00 ISS_NAC to Pandora NEG_Z to Sun Transit of Pandora across Epimetheus ISS_121EP_MUTUALEVE001_PRIME M 2009-328T08:41:00 000T01:07:00 2009-328T09:48:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to Sun Transit of Epimetheus across Rhea ISS_121RH_PHOTOOP001_PRIME "M, U" 2009-330T15:48:00 000T01:35:00 2009-330T17:23:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to Sun ISS_122EP_MUTUALEVE003_PRIME M 2009-349T11:28:00 000T00:43:00 2009-349T12:11:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to 88.8/84.9 Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_124EP_MUTUALEVE003_PRIME M 2010-016T09:54:00 000T01:05:00 2010-016T10:59:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to 91.6/84.5 Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_125EP_MUTUALEVE005_PRIME M 2010-032T09:54:00 000T00:45:00 2010-032T10:39:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_126EP_MUTUALEVE001_PRIME M 2010-045T13:34:00 000T00:43:00 2010-045T14:17:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_X to NSP Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_128RH_MUTUALEVE003_PRIME M 2010-083T05:45:00 000T01:00:00 2010-083T06:45:00 ISS_NAC to Rhea NEG_Z to 37.1/83.6 Transit of Rhea across Epimetheus ISS_129EP_MUTUALEVE002_PRIME M 2010-092T04:29:00 000T00:57:00 2010-092T05:26:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to 37.3/83.6 Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_129EP_MUTUALEVE008_PRIME M 2010-101T03:38:00 000T00:41:00 2010-101T04:19:00 "ISS_NAC to Epimetheus (0.0,62.0,0.0 deg. offset)" NEG_Z to 39.1/83.8 Transit of Epimetheus across Janus ISS_227EP_EPICLOS001_PIE "C, U, V" 2015-340T18:40:00 000T00:40:00 2015-340T19:20:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_X to NSP ISS_259EP_EPIMETHEU001_PIE "C, M, U, V" 2017-030T19:22:00 000T01:50:00 2017-030T21:12:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus NEG_Z to Sun ISS_262EP_EPIMETHEU001_PIE "C, M, U, V" 2017-052T09:33:00 000T01:10:00 2017-052T10:43:00 ISS_NAC to Epimetheus POS_Z to Sun