Full Tour Science Packet Gap Report README: This file is a collection of all the gaps in science data of one packet or greater for all instrument science packet types for the entire Saturn tour portion of the mission (beginning with the S01 sequence and ending September 15, 2017 @ EOM). Gaps in instrument housekeeping are not included; this is science data only. These gaps represent science data that was collected by an instrument that did not reach the ground for whatever reason. Some gaps may be the result of data policing. In those situations, an instrument continued to produce packets that were not collected by the onboard data system because the instrument had reached their assigned allocation for a given period of time. These packets that were excluded will appear as a gap. False gaps were removed as much as possible. These false gaps were the result of instrument resets and data corruption. The reports have been reformatted into the following tab-delimited columns: Packet Type = Instrument packet type Start (SCET) = This is the gap start time in Spacecraft Event Time End (SCET) = This is the gap end time in Spacecraft Event Time The entries are sorted by start time. Only the time period of each gap is included in this report. The number of packets in each gap was excluded because that number is not reliable in all cases. For example, when a gap is larger than the maximum counter value and the counter rolls more than once, there is no way to determine from the counter value alone how many times the counter had rolled.