Dust Devil Data Archive
Document Collection - supporting information about individual data collections.
Data from Historical PublicationsCOMING SOON
Data transcribed or converted from previously published work. Data are organized by publication with appropriate references to the original work.
Fisher et al. (20.2)
Lambeth (1966)
Stanzel et al. (2008)
In-Situ Field Data
Archive various forms of data relevant to comparative dust devil studies, including field data from Earth and Mars, and potentially relevant laboratory data. All data are archived under the PDS4 archiving standard.
Document Collection - supporting information about individual data collections.
Data from Historical Publications
Data transcribed or converted from previously published work. Data are organized by publication with appropriate references to the original work.
Cantor et al. (2006) - Table 3 of the publication. Table consists of a list of MGS MOC-WA observations of dust devils, reporting the images in which dust devils were detected (nondetections are not reported). Columns are the MOC image ID, the season Ls, the average latitude and longitude of the image, the local mean solar time (which is fairly constant since the images were acquired from a sun-synchronous orbit), the average elevation in the scene, and the number of devils detected
Ellehoj et al. (2010) - Table 1 of the publication. The data record vortex passage events revealed as brief dips in the pressure time series measured by the Phoenix lander at 68N on Mars in 2008. The columns are sol, local mean solar time, (converted to decimal hours) and the magnitude of the measured pressure drop in Pa and the full width half maximum duration in seconds. The pressure drop magnitudes were examined in Lorenz (2012) and Lorenz and Reiss (2014).
Fisher et al. (20.2)
Flower (1936) - These data are visual observations reported by William Flower in a report of the Meteorological Office of the British Air Ministry. The observations were made principally in Egypt. Table X from his paper reports the mean duration in minutes for devils with specified height and diameter ranges (we have indicated an arithmetic mean height/width in meters). The diameters and heights (summing the clockwise and anticlockwise counts in Flower’s Table V) were examined and plotted by Lorenz (2013) to assess the relative frequency of dust devils of different aspect ratios, finding a mean of about 4.
Kurgansky et al. (2010) -- These are data from Table 1 of Kurgansky et al. 2010 reporting visual observations 11-22 January 2009 in the Atacama desert in Chile. Number of devils observed at .2 minute intervals at distances up to 10km away are reported for each day (column).
Lambeth (1966)
Murphy and Nelli (2002) -- These data are extracted from Table 1 in Murphy and Nelli (2002), where vortex passages were detected in pressure time series. Note that the data were not acquired continuously, so the census is not complete. Columns are Sol number, hour, minute, seconds, and peak pressure drop in millibars. These data were analyzed further in Lorenz (2012) and Lorenz and Reiss (2014)
Ryan and Carroll (1970) - These are data extracted from Table 1 of Ryan and Carroll, 1970, reporting field measurements in the Mojave Desert, California in summer 1969 (?). The columns are radius (m), speed (km/hr) and several derived quantities
Stanzel et al. (2008)
In-Situ Field Data
Data archived here represent in situ measurements and observations relevant to the location present in the title. Observations may include temperature, pressure and atmospheric opacity, wind speeds, etc. Data represent original source material for publications.
Jornada Experimental Range, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA (Lorenz et al. 20.2)
Mars Exploration Rover (Spirit), Gusev Crater, Mars (Greeley et al., 2008, 2010)