PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2024-04-22 NOTE = "This file describes known errors or deficiencies in this archive volume set." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This volume is continually updated per the Juno Data Management Plan and is hosted by the PDS Atmospheres Node. The data and metadata are provided by the Juno Gravity Instrument Team: Dustin Buccino, Daniel Kahan, Oscar Yang, and Bill Folkner at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Contact information is available in the CATALOG/PERSON.CAT catalog file associated with this volume. ============================================================================== Data Availability ============================================================================== On October 19, 2016 (DOY 293), Juno conducted the Perijove-02 flyby of Jupiter. A safe mode anomaly occurred prior to perijove and all instruments were disabled as part of the safe mode entry. However, telecommunications with Juno continued at X-band only and thus Gravity Science data exist during PJ-02 and are provided in this archive. In September 2017, the Deep Space Network (DSN), under agreement with the Juno project and Juno Gravity Science team, discontinued use of the TRK 2-18 Orbit Data Files (ODF). ODF files up to Perijove-08 (September 1, 2017, DOY 244) are located in the DATA/ODF folder. No ODFs are provided after that date. Instead, the TRK 2-34 Tracking and Navigation Files (TNF) are provided. For users looking for closed-loop data after Perijove-08 need to read the data from the DATA/TNF folder. On October 24, 2017 (DOY 297), Juno conducted the Perijove-09 flyby of Jupiter. Perijove-09 occurred during solar conjunction with a Sun-Earth-Probe angle of 1.9 degrees, and thus a two-way radio link with the spacecraft was unable to be acquired. No data are provided in this archive for Perijove-09. During Perijove 15 on September 6, 2018 (DOY 249), the Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer failed during the middle of the Perijove 15 data collection period. The file that covers this perijove data: ANCILLARY/AMC/GRV_JUGR_2018249_2018249_01_V01.AMC contains only partial data, ending on DOY 250 01:40 UTC. The Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer was brought down for maintainence. During Perijove 16 on October 29, 2018 (DOY 302), the Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer was undergoing maintaience. No data are provided in the ANCILLARY/AMC directory for this perijove. During Perijove 17 on December 21, 2018 (DOY 355), the Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer was undergoing maintaience. No data are provided in the ANCILLARY/AMC directory for this perijove. On April 6, 2019 (DOY 096), Juno conducted the Perijove-18 flyby of Jupiter. During Perijove-18, the spacecraft turned 90 degrees off-Earth point in the "MWR-crosstrack" attitude. A two-way radio link could not be established due to the link budget. No data are provided in this archive for Perijove-19. In April 2019, the Deep Space Network (DSN) retired the older-generation Radio Science Receivers (RSR) and Wideband VLBI Science Receivers (WVSR) and replaced them with the newer Open-Loop Receivers (OLR). These receivers provide the data contained within the DATA/RSR folder in this archive. To represent this change in the data pipeline, the file version number was incremented to VERSION 3. All VERSION 3 data in the DATA/RSR foler were collected with the new OLR receivers. Note that the file format remains *IDENTICAL*. On December 26, 2019 (DOY 360), Juno conducted the Perijove-24 flyby of Jupiter. Perijove-09 occurred during solar conjunction with a Sun-Earth-Probe angle of 0.8 degrees, and thus a two-way radio link with the spacecraft was unable to be acquired. No data are provided in this archive for Perijove-24. During Perijove 26 on April 10, 2020 (DOY 101), the Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer suffered a power failure due to rain. No data are provided in the ANCILLARY/AMC directory for this perijove. During Perijove 43 on July 5, 2022 (DOY 186), the DSS-25 station in Goldstone was unable to track Ka-band due to an issue with the Low Noise Amplifier. No Ka-band data exist for the DSS-25 track on DOY 186, however, X-band is still available. During Perijove 49 on March 1, 2023 (DOY 059), both Advanced Water Vapor Radiometers were offline for maintenance due to issues with the pointing mechanisms. No data are provided in the ANCILLARY/AMC directory for this perijove. During Perijove 53 on July 31, 2023 (DOY 212), both Advanced Water Vapor Radiometers were offline for maintenance due to issues with the pointing mechanisms. No data are provided in the ANCILLARY/AMC directory for this perijove. During Perijove 54 on Sept 07, 2023 (DOY 250), both Advanced Water Vapor Radiometers were offline for maintenance due to issues with the pointing mechanisms. No data are provided in the ANCILLARY/AMC directory for this perijove. During Perijove 55 on October 15, 2023 (DOY 288), both Advanced Water Vapor Radiometers were offline for maintenance due to issues with the pointing mechanisms. No data are provided in the ANCILLARY/AMC directory for this perijove. ============================================================================== Known Discrepancies ============================================================================== In the DATA/TNF directory, exist the closed-loop TRK-2-34 files. One attribute in the TRK-2-34 files is the uplink and downlink station delay parameter ("transmit_time_tag_delay" and "rcv_time_tag_delay"). By default, the values placed into these parameters are for X-band. However, it should be noted that the *DSS-25 Ka-band uplink delay* is *DIFFERENT* than the default value. Data users who use the Ka-band uplink data should ensure they use the *PUBLISHED* DSS-25 Ka-band uplink delay values from: Dustin Buccino, Jim Border, Christopher Volk, and Oscar Yang. "Measurement of Station Delay at DSS-25." The Interplanetary Network Progress Report, Volume 42-217, pp. 1-11, May 15, 2019. https://ipnpr.jpl.nasa.gov/progress_report/42-217/42-217B.pdf Dustin R. Buccino, Marzia Parisi, Marco Zannoni, Ryan S. Park. "Stability of DSS-25 Ka-band Station Delay During the Juno Prime Mission." The Interplanetary Network Progress Report, Volume 42-225, pp. 1-8, May 15, 2021. https://ipnpr.jpl.nasa.gov/progress_report/42-225/42-225A.pdf ============================================================================== A Note About Jupiter Radio Occultations ============================================================================== Although this is a "Gravity Science Instrument" data archive, all Jovian radio occultation data will also be archived within this dataset. The data types used for radio occultation experiments are identical to those of the gravity science investigation and *no additional data types* are required for radio occultation investigations. Radio occultation data exist throughout this archive, though primary data will be in the DATA/RSR directory. An additional RSR recording mode which compensates for Jupiter's atmospheric refraction with a model is included in this archive, and a new instruction file, RSRINFO.TXT, exists in the DATA/RSR folder to guide user's in the correct direction. All radio occultation data will be co-delivered with gravity data on the same schedule as defined by the Juno Science Data Management Plan.