PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2022-09-05, R. Noschese" RELEASE_ID = "0002" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PRODUCT_ID = "INDXINFO.TXT" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2022-09-07 NOTE = " INDXINFO.TXT describes the contents of the INDEX directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The file INDEX.TAB gives the name, associated dataset and location for each data file on this volume. key files in the INDEX directory: INDEX.TAB - contains an index of this volume, listing label files (*.LBL) for the data files. INDEX.LBL detached PDS label for INDEX.TAB JIR_STATUS_RDR_2021245T000226_V02.CSV contains an index of this volume, listing data files (.DAT, .IMG) and their metadata information. JIR_STATUS_RDR_2021245T000226_V02.LBL detached PDS label for JIR_STATUS_RDR_2021245T000226_V02.CSV