Selecting Primary Data Files

    Physical Parameters for Juno's Orbits

    Geometry files - Each table contains geometry data for a time interval of +/-5 hours of perijove in 10 minute intervals. These were generated using WebGeocalc

    TNF - Tracking and Navigation Files contain the primary output of the closed-loop receiver
    ODF - Orbit Data Files (available through Orbit 14 - 2016-185T10:57:00 to 2017-245T03:12:00) are a time series of properties of the downlinked radio signal, recorded with standard equipment. The data set includes two types of files: those spanning ~50 day files and those spanning ~ 0.5 days on either side of perijove
    RSR - Radio Science Receiver Files contain a time series of properties of the downlinked radio signal.

    Selection by Time Interval

    Start Time                               2011-08-06
    Enter Minimum Value =
    Stop Time                               2024-06-13
    Enter Maximum Value =

    Selection by inserting a list of URNs



    Viewing and Retrieving the Data

    Selecting Ancillary Data Files

    Time series files

    AMC - Advanced Media Calibration files contain calibration data collected from the Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer (AWVR) at Goldstone.
    ION - Information about the Ionospheric conditions at the DSN stations
    SFF - Information about the Ionospheric conditions at the DSN stations
    TRO - Information about tropospheric conditions at the DSN stations
    file (see below) every month.

    Selection by Time Interval

    Start Time                               2011-08-06
    Enter Minimum Value =
    Stop Time                               2024-07-31
    Enter Maximum Value =

    Selection of accumulating files

    EOP - Earth Orientation Parameters files - most recent cumulative file

    SFF - Small Forces file contain the maneuver history of the spacecraft - most recent cumulative file

    WEA - DSN weather files contain the weather conditions at three tracking stations.
    Year 2016
    Year 2017
    Year 2018
    Year 2019

    Selection by inserting a list of URNs



    Viewing and Retrieving the Data