- Calibrated Spectral Image: A 'quick-look' check on data quality. [Extension 0 = primary FITS header and data unit(HDU)]
- Acquisition List: [Extension 1]
- Calibrated Photon List [Extension 2]
- Ancillary Data: This dataset contains ancillary spatial location
- Calibrated Analog Count Rate [Extension 4]
- Calibrated Digital Count Rate: [Extension 5]
- Housekeeping Data: [Extension 6]
- Wavelength Lookup Image: [Extension 7]
- Mask Information: [Extension 8]

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Jupiter Data
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Instrument Description
UVS is an ultra-violet imaging spectrograph sensitive to both extreme and far ultra-violet emissions in the 70-205 nm range that are used to characterize the morphology and spectral nature of Jupiter’s auroral emissions as they are targeted during the Juno mission. Similar instruments are flying on the Alice instruments of Rosetta orbiting comet 67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the New Horizons mission to Pluto; the Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) instrument on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO); and a future mission to Europa.
Measurement Objectives
Juno-UVS's main objective is to provide context for the particles and fields instruments (i.e., JADE, JEDI, Waves, and MAG). By observing expected locations of the Juno magnetic field line footprint, direct comparison of the precipitating particle fluxes measured by JADE and JEDI can be made with the FUV emissions they produce upon impacting Jupiter’s upper atmosphere (composed mainly of the Lyman series of H and the Lyman, Werner, and Rydberg band systems of H2).
Useful Mission Documents
Mission Description
Spacecraft Description
Mission Timeline (csv)
Instrument Description
Team Personnel
Spacecraft Description
Mission Timeline (csv)
Instrument Description
Team Personnel
The calibrated data files contain a collection of the far ultraviolet photon detections of the Juno Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS). The fundamental derived parameters contained in a calibrated data file are a collection of the absolute time tags for each of the detected far ultraviolet photons, the weight factor applied to each to account for instrumental effects, the radiometric and wavelength calibrations and the geometric locations. . The reduced data records are in FITS format and contain the calibrated photon list (Extension 2) and supporting and related data as follows
Data Set Description (pdf)
Software Interface Specification Document (SIS)
Documents - Directory containing the Document Collection.
Data Files
A basic data unit for this migrated data consists of a FITS file that contains reduced data and supporting files and the corresponding PDS3 and PDS4 labels. Utilizing the appropriate Mission Timeline and MWR Indices will allow you to enter start and stop times or corresponding URNs to retrieve the desired data.
The tables of physical parameters for perijove and north and south pole passage can be used to isolate particular perijove passages, while a geometry files for a selected passage can be used to isolate time intervals that correspond to desired data.
The geometry files span a period of +/- 5 hours of perijove and list physical parameters for 10-minute intervals. The parameters include apparent angular size of Jupiter, planetocentric and planetographic sub-spacecraft and sub-solar longitudes and latitudes, sub-spacecraft radius, observer distance and phase angle.
Geometry files - Each table contains geometry data for a time interval of +/-5 hours of perijove in 10 minute intervals. These were generated using WebGeocalc
Physical Parameters for Juno's Orbits
Main Index (csv) file summarizing contents of calibrated data archive
Selecting data at the file level
Software Interface Specification Document (SIS) - Instrument and data structures description
Data Set Description
Documents - Directory containing the Document Collection.
Data Files
Calibrated Data - Directory containing the RDR data files
Software Interface Specification Document (SIS) - Instrument and data structures description
Data Set Description (pdf)
Documents - Directory containing the Document Collection.
Data Files
Raw Data - Directory containing the EDR data files
Software Interface Specification Document (SIS) - Instrument and data structures description
Data Set Description
Documents - Directory containing the Document Collection.
Data Files
CITATION_DESC = Trantham, Brad, JUNO J UVS REDUCED DATA RECORD V1.0, JNO-J-UVS-3-RDR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2014
CITATION_DESC = Trantham, B.J., JUNO J UVS EXPERIMENT DATA RECORD V1.0, JNO-J-UVS-2-EDR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2014.
Bibliography - A listing of team members to facilitate literature searches