Cruise |
1.5 - 69.5 amu fractional scans - STS orbit Baseline |
A general survey (full mass range - 1.5-90.5 amu closed source) - STS_bkg_LHA_1x11x10_v01 |
A special survey for Cheng-E 3 landing - STS_pro_L3_1x1x10_v01 |
H2, He, CH4, OH, H2O, CO, Ar, and CO2 and general survey using open source - STS_exo_L3B_3x5x10_v01
H2, He, CH4, OH, H2O, CO, Ar, and CO2 and general survey using closed source - STS_exo_L3A_3x5x10_v01 |
He and Ar-40 - STS_exo_L1_10x7x10_v01 |
He Ne, Ar-36 and Ar-40 - STS_exo_L2_2x5x10_v03 |
He Ne, Ar-36, Ar-40 and H2O - STS_exo_L2_2x5x10_v04 |
He and Ar mass peak shapes during orbital maintenance maneuvers - STS_omm_L1_1x31x2_v03 |
measure ions - STS_ion_I1_1x3x10_v03 |
Sputtered species, and general survey using Ion Source - STS_tlt_R1_1x3x10_v03 |