Searching For Publications Based on LADEE Data

    An ongoing approach for tracking publications based on data from the LADEE mission is to utilize NASA's Astrophysical Data System (ADS)

    Go to and enter your search parameters (note: you can constrain Author, Time Interval, Title Words, and/or Abstract Words).

    Area and team members are listed below. If you are interested in a particular area, a search on these names will allow you to complete a list of their productive co-authors and provide an updated source that you can utilize to develop your individual search routine or bibliography

    LADEE Science Team

    Rick Elphic, Ames - Project Scientist
    Greg Delory - Deputy Project Scientist

    The Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer
    Anthony Colaprete, Ames - Instrument PI
    Dr. John Karcz - UVS Instrument Scientist
    Dr. Mark Shirley - UVS Software Engineer
    Kara Vargo - UVS Instrument Scientist

    The Neutral Mass Spectrometer
    Paul Mahaffy, Goddard- Instrument PI
    Dr. Mehdi Benna - NMS Scientist
    Dr. Richard Hodges - NMS Scientist

    The Lunar Dust Experiment
    Mihaly Horanyl, LASP -Instrument PI
    Mr. Jamey Szalay - LDEX Science Support
    Dr. David James - Instrument Calibration Engineer

    Guest Investigators
    Jasper Halekas/University of California, Berkeley
    Dana Hurley/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
    Sascha Kempf/University of Colorado at Boulder Investigating Dust
    Menelaos Sarantos/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
    Timothy Stubbs/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center