Wind Speed and Direction
Wind Speed and Direction Wind Speed and Direction
Wind Speed and Direction

Above are shown point-by-point Wind Speed and Wind Direction values obtained from Surface Science Imager (SSI) imaging the Telltale Wind Sensor onboard the Mars Phoenix Lander during sols 1-30 of that mission's 151 sol duration.
The Wind Speed and Direction values plotted above are available within the TELLTALE01_30.TAB ASCII file located within the data folder which itself is within the Mars Phoenix Lander Telltale data archive phxwnd_0001. The contents of the TELLTALE_01_30.TAB file and a description of the structure of that file are available in the TELLTALE_01_30.LBL file which is also located within the data folder within the data archive phxwnd_0001. Wind speed and direction values for Mission Sols 31-90 are available in the TELLTALE_31_90.TAB ASCII file within the data folder at phxwnd_0001, and the Sol 91-151 wind speed and direction values are available within the TELLTALE_91-151.TAB ASCII file also within the data folder at phxwnd_0001. For information about the Mars Phoenix Lander Telltale-derived Wind data set, click here
For information about the Mars Phoenix Lander mission, click here
For information about the Mars Phoenix Lander Telltale instrument, click here