The spacecraft was launched in August 2004. It completed one flyby of Earth, two of Venus, and three of Mercury before entering an orbit around Mercury in March 2011. The Venus data were acquired during the 2nd Venus Flyby, denoted as vf2 in this archive, spanning a time interval from May 23,2007 to June 20,2007. The path by Venus spanned 34° in latitude and 118o in longitude and a phase angle ranging from 47 to 150°.
The UVVS Calibrated data cover a wavelength range from the far ultraviolet (115-180 nm) (FUV) through the middle ultraviolet (160-320 nm) (MUV) to visible (250-600 nm) (VIS) wavelengths, with an average spectral resolution of 0.6 nm. The data are stored in binary tables and detailed descriptions for the parameters defined in the tables are contained in the CDR SIS in the document directory and complete column definitions are contained in an external file found in the Label directory of the archive volume.
A summary table (csv) is available. For additional information see the main MASCS UVVS calibrated page.
An IDL tool that translates the CDR binary files is available.
The VIRS data cover a wavelength range from 300 to 1050 nm (VIS) and 850-1450 nm (NIR). The VIRS Calibrated Data Records (CDRs) consist of calibrated data derived from MASCS VIRS Experimental Data Records (EDR).
In each of the orbits vc2 (Venus cruise) and vf2 (Venus flyby) one set of observations (VIR and VIS) was obtained.
An index (csv) containing geometric parameters is available and the data are stored at the following locations:
The data are stored in binary tables and detailed descriptions for the parameters defined in the tables are contained in the CDR SIS in the document directory and complete column definitions are contained in an external file found in the Label directory of the archive volume.
For additional information see the main MASCS UVVS calibrated page.
An IDL tool that translates the VIRS CDR binary files is available.
The spacecraft was launched in August 2004. It completed one flyby of Earth, two of Venus, and three of Mercury before entering an orbit around Mercury in March 2011. The Venus data were acquired during the 2nd Venus Flyby, denoted as vf2 in this archive, spanning a time interval from May 23,2007 to June 20,2007. The path by Venus spanned 34° in latitude and 118o in longitude and a phase angle ranging from 47 to 150°.
The UVVS Calibrated data cover a wavelength range from the far ultraviolet (115-180 nm) (FUV) through the middle ultraviolet (160-320 nm) (MUV) to visible (250-600 nm) (VIS) wavelengths, with an average spectral resolution of 0.6 nm. The data are stored in binary tables and detailed descriptions for the parameters defined in the tables are contained in the CDR SIS in the document directory and complete column definitions are contained in an external file found in the Label directory of the archive volume.
A summary table (csv) is available. For additional information see the main MASCS UVVS calibrated page.
An IDL tool that translates the CDR binary files is available.
The VIRS data cover a wavelength range from 300 to 1050 nm (VIS) and 850-1450 nm (NIR). The VIRS Calibrated Data Records (CDRs) consist of calibrated data derived from MASCS VIRS Experimental Data Records (EDR).
In each of the orbits vc2 (Venus cruise) and vf2 (Venus flyby) one set of observations (VIR and VIS) was obtained.
An index (csv) containing geometric parameters is available and the data are stored at the following locations:
The data are stored in binary tables and detailed descriptions for the parameters defined in the tables are contained in the CDR SIS in the document directory and complete column definitions are contained in an external file found in the Label directory of the archive volume.
For additional information see the main MASCS UVVS calibrated page.
An IDL tool that translates the VIRS CDR binary files is available.