Wind Tunnel Particle Threshold Speed
The wind tunnel particle threshold speed archive, documents and preserves data from various historical sources for wind-tunnel-derived measurements of particle threshold. Data are not limited to a single facility. In stead, starting with the PDART funded project led by Devon Burr, documents from the Planetary Aeolian Laboratory (PAL) at NASA Ames, and historical published works were culled for measurements/estimations of particle threshold.
These data span the history of wind tunnel studies of sediment transport and focus specifically on particle threshold. Planetary analog conditions were used that include surrogates for atmospheric similarity for Earth, Mars, Venus, and Titan.
The archive uses the PDS4 archiving standard (XML labels) and is organized as a single bundle. To add new resources to this bundle contact the Atmospheres Node (ATM) for assistance.
Bundle (wt_threshold_speed) - Root directory for the bundle.
Document – User Manual (user_manual_wt_threshold_archive.pdf)
Document_scans - Linked scanned plots and tables from the original sources as references for the data.
Data - All extracted tables and digitized graph data from a variety of historical sources. **Where noted Reynolds number and viscosity values have been extrapolated for ease of comparison between data sources. .
Context - A simple listing of all facility/instrument products used in the creation of this bundle.
Citing datasets for publication
D. Burr, et al. (2020), Wind Tunnel Threshold Speed, NASA Planetary Data System,
The wind tunnel particle threshold speed archive, documents and preserves data from various historical sources for wind-tunnel-derived measurements of particle threshold. Data are not limited to a single facility. In stead, starting with the PDART funded project led by Devon Burr, documents from the Planetary Aeolian Laboratory (PAL) at NASA Ames, and historical published works were culled for measurements/estimations of particle threshold.
These data span the history of wind tunnel studies of sediment transport and focus specifically on particle threshold. Planetary analog conditions were used that include surrogates for atmospheric similarity for Earth, Mars, Venus, and Titan.
The archive uses the PDS4 archiving standard (XML labels) and is organized as a single bundle. To add new resources to this bundle contact the Atmospheres Node (ATM) for assistance.
Bundle (wt_threshold_speed) - Root directory for the bundle.
Document – User Manual (user_manual_wt_threshold_archive.pdf)
Document_scans - Linked scanned plots and tables from the original sources as references for the data.
Data - All extracted tables and digitized graph data from a variety of historical sources. **Where noted Reynolds number and viscosity values have been extrapolated for ease of comparison between data sources. .
Context - A simple listing of all facility/instrument products used in the creation of this bundle.
Citing datasets for publication
D. Burr, et al. (2020), Wind Tunnel Threshold Speed, NASA Planetary Data System,

Planetary Aeolian Laboratory (PAL) at NASA Ames Research
Center under management of Arizona State University. (center)
Mars wind tunnel (MARSWIT) and (lower right) Titan/Venus Wind
Tunnel (TWT/VWT).