Fields and Particles

PIA 13697

Listings of Publications on the Magnetosphere by team members are available to allow you to scope completed research. A Recent Discoveries list is also available. Note these lists do not contain abstracts - See the Astrophysical Data System (ADS) for additional information.

Useful Information to scope the mission
1. Bowshock and Magnetopause Crossings (htm, xlsx, txt)
2. Orbital Inclination
Orbital inclination plots -Primary, Equinox and Solstice Missions
Apoapse Table contains epoch, period, orbital inclination, and range (htm, xlsx, txt)
3. Periods when Cassini is within 10 Rs (htm, xlsx, txt) and 15 Rs (htm, xlsx, txt)
4. Preliminary Fields and Particles and Auroral Schedules (htm, xlsx, txt)
5. See the Master Schedule.

Higher Order Products - Under Development -
1) a set of plots of where the s/c is relative to the planet and the moons in coordinate systems and scales.
2) set of plots where the magnetic field line through the s/c intersects the upper atmosphere of Saturn using field models.

Observations were made with Cassini Instruments
CAPS - Cassini Plasma Spectrometer
CDA - Cosmic Dust Analyzer
HRD - High Rate Detector
INMS - Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer
MAG - Magnetometer
MIMI - Magnetospheric Imaging instrument
RPWS - Radio and Plasma Wave Spectrometer