The program that generated these datasets was funded by NASA to monitor Jupiter in the infrared, providing a long- term temporal and spatial context to support the encounters of several spacecraft with the planet.
MIRAC data span from July 1994 to September 1999 and wavelengths from 4.8 to 20.8 μm using the Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imagers (MIRAC) and (MIRAC2) at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).
MIRLIN data span from January 1996 to March 2003 and wavelengths from 4.68 to 24.48 μm using the Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (MIRLIN) at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).
MIRSI data span from December 2003 to September 2011and wavelengths from 4.68 to 24.48 μm using the Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (MRISI) at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).
NAOJ-HAWAII data span from April 2005 to February 2013 and wavelengths from 4.9 to 24.8 μm using the cooled Mid-Infrared Camera/Spectrometer (COMICS) at the Subaru Telescope, operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ).
VLT_VISIR data span from April 2006 to September 2011 and wavelengths 7.9 – 19.5 μm using VLT Imager-Spectrometer in the mid-InfraRed (VISIR) at the European Southern Observatory (ESO)’s Very Large Telescope (VLT).
GEMINI_TRECS data span from February 2007 to August 2009 and wavelengths 7.7 to 24.8 μm using the Thermal Region Camera Spectrograph (TReCS) at Gemini South Telescope.
MIRAC data span from July 1994 to September 1999 and wavelengths from 4.8 to 20.8 μm using the Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imagers (MIRAC) and (MIRAC2) at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).
MIRLIN data span from January 1996 to March 2003 and wavelengths from 4.68 to 24.48 μm using the Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (MIRLIN) at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).
MIRSI data span from December 2003 to September 2011and wavelengths from 4.68 to 24.48 μm using the Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (MRISI) at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).
NAOJ-HAWAII data span from April 2005 to February 2013 and wavelengths from 4.9 to 24.8 μm using the cooled Mid-Infrared Camera/Spectrometer (COMICS) at the Subaru Telescope, operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ).
VLT_VISIR data span from April 2006 to September 2011 and wavelengths 7.9 – 19.5 μm using VLT Imager-Spectrometer in the mid-InfraRed (VISIR) at the European Southern Observatory (ESO)’s Very Large Telescope (VLT).
GEMINI_TRECS data span from February 2007 to August 2009 and wavelengths 7.7 to 24.8 μm using the Thermal Region Camera Spectrograph (TReCS) at Gemini South Telescope.