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 Jupiter images taken in 2002

Last Update:  2003/Feb/12


The NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF), on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, has set aside some time at the beginning and end of every night that the NSFCAM facility infrared camera is mounted on the IRTF, and Jupiter is observable, for a standardized set of observations of Jupiter in support of the Galileo mission. Glenn Orton, the principle investigator, is providing IJW with the most recent IRTF images throughout the Cassini flyby of Jupiter. IRTF will obtain additional images from the facility near-IR camera, NSFCAM. The IRTF 2001 2nd semester schedule is posted at http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/userSupport/schedule.html. For more about the program and filters, please read caption.

Please click on the dates below to view the images.

The 2001-2002 apparition is winding down.

2002/Mar/03 08 UT Fair seeing. GRS approaching CM.
2002/Feb/11 08 UT Fair seeing. GRS approaching CM.
2002/Feb/11 06 UT, second image Fair seeing.
2002/Feb/10 08 UT Fair seeing.
2002/Feb/08 11 UT Good seeing. GRS near CM.
2002/Feb/08 8 UT Fair seeing.
2002/Feb/07 9 UT Good seeing.
2002/Feb/07 4 UT Good seeing. GRS on dawn limb.
2002/Feb/01 12 UT raw images Poor seeing.
2002/Jan/08 18 UT raw images Good seeing. Note incorrect date across top of raw image.
2002/Jan/07 17 UT raw images Good seeing. Note incorrect date across top of raw image.


International Outer Planets Watch - Atmosphere Discipline
Discipline Leader
Web Site Manager
Jupiter Image Site Manager
Web Page Designer
Agustin Sanchez-Lavega
Jose F. Rojas
Mark Vincent ijw@nmsu.edu
Irma T. Flores-Mendoza

Our logo is a Hubble Space Telescope image from October 1995.

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