Mars Express (MEX), an ESA mission entered orbit around Mars on 25 December 2003. The instrument compliment includes a high resolution stereoscopic camera, a visible and infrared mapping spectrometer, a sub-surface sounding radar altimeter to image and study the surface and subsurface. To study atmospheric and plasma phenomenon there is a fourier spectrometer, a UV and IR atmospheric spectrometer and an energetic neutral atoms analyzer. Radio science is also carried out.
The ESA Planetary Science Archive (PSA) is the primary source for Mars Express data and provides data search and download capabilities. The latest releases of data from the various payload elements, in PDS-compatible formats, can be found on the PSA.
Through a cooperative agreement between ESA and NASA, Mars Express data are also distributed by the Planetary Data System. Access to MEX data are available on this Atmospheres Node web site and at other PDS Nodes.
Basic Mission Goals
To study the martian atmosphere and climate, the planet's structure, its mineralogy and its geology, and to search for traces of water.
For more information on the mission see the following links:
Mission Description
Spacecraft Description
The Atmospheric data consist of:
UV Occultation data
IR Occultation data
PFS data (interferograms) during Primary Mission & Extended
The ESA Planetary Science Archive (PSA) is the primary source for Mars Express data and provides data search and download capabilities. The latest releases of data from the various payload elements, in PDS-compatible formats, can be found on the PSA.
Through a cooperative agreement between ESA and NASA, Mars Express data are also distributed by the Planetary Data System. Access to MEX data are available on this Atmospheres Node web site and at other PDS Nodes.
Basic Mission Goals
To study the martian atmosphere and climate, the planet's structure, its mineralogy and its geology, and to search for traces of water.
For more information on the mission see the following links:
Mission Description
Spacecraft Description
The Atmospheric data consist of:
UV Occultation data
IR Occultation data
PFS data (interferograms) during Primary Mission & Extended