Jun 30, 2003 (Ls 212.4 MY 26) to [ongoing]

An Artist's concept of the Mars Express Spacecraft at Mars/ESA

A breadboard of the SPICAM Instrument
The SPICAM instrument has two channels, one in the ultraviolet wavelength range (118-320 nanometers) (SUV) and another in the near infrared wavelength range (1.1-1.7 micrometers) (SIR) . The instrument has a spectral resolution of 0.8 nm/pix at 1.5μ and is composed of an entrance lens, an AOTF and two single pixels detectors (for each polarization). As the AOTF acts as a filter, the IR & UV spectrum is obtained by electrically scanning the AOTF frequency.
Useful Mission Documents
Retrieve the IR data volume
The SPICAM CRUISE/MARS UV EDR-RAW dataset contains raw measurements from the ultraviolet SPICAM spectrometer collected during the cruise and MARS phases of Mars Express. An easily viewed version of each record of the SPICAM CRUISE/MARS IR & UV EDR-RAW data set is shown in the browse directory.
Useful Mission Documents
Description of data volume: UV, IR
Mission Description
Spacecraft Description
Instrument Description
Calibration Documents: UV, IR
Browse Directory: UV, IR
Documents Directory: UV, IR
Indexes: UV, IR
Geometry: UV, IR
Retrieve the UV data volume
Mission Description
Spacecraft Description
Instrument Description
Calibration Documents: UV, IR
Browse Directory: UV, IR
Documents Directory: UV, IR
Indexes: UV, IR
Geometry: UV, IR
Retrieve the IR data volume
The SPICAM CRUISE/MARS UV EDR-RAW dataset contains raw measurements from the ultraviolet SPICAM spectrometer collected during the cruise and MARS phases of Mars Express. An easily viewed version of each record of the SPICAM CRUISE/MARS IR & UV EDR-RAW data set is shown in the browse directory.