Radio Science T-P Profiles - CERTIFIED
                        Jan 28, 1998 (Ls 263.9 MY 23) to Sep 19, 2006 (Ls 108.6 MY 28)


Sunset view of the 70 m antenna at Goldstone, Ca.

The two presented profiles are from the same location and local time and seasonal date but from two consecutive Mars years, illustrating year-to-year variability. Links to the data files from which the temperature profile data are available are here for MY 26 and here for MY27.

Latitude of derived MGS Radio Science temperature profiles versus seasonal date for the six Mars years spanned by these measurements. The file from which these latitude and seasonal dates are provided can be accessed here.

MGS Radio Science Data

This derived T-P dataset contains the entire collection of radio occultation neutral atmosphere temperature-pressure T( p ) profiles derived from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Radio Science data during the MGS mission. The aareadme.txt file provides an introduction to the reduced data set while raw data are available online or by request.

Derived Data - Occultation T-P

The data volume is available here.

The data are located at mors_1101. This data set is comprised of data products, each derived from an individual ingress or egress occultation. Each file lists observing parameters and a table including pressure, temperature, density and associated standard deviations as a function of radius (distance from the center of mass of the planet).

The TPS directory contains 34 subdirectories with names of the form yyyy_ddd giving the year (yyyy) and day-of-year (ddd) of the first T( p ) file within. The subdirectory coverage does not overlap and there are often days or weeks between the last file in one directory and the first file in the next.

The following index (xlsx, txt) can be used to select desired files. A more complete index is available.

Additional Information

The Software Interface Specification (SIS) document provides a more detailed description of the data set while catalogue files in mors_1101 define the mission, spacecraft and instrument.

Raw Data (EDR)

Volumes mors_0101 - mors_0156 contain Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Cruise Data. Volume mors_0156 is available on-line. Request other volumes if required.

Volumes mors_0210 - mors_0359 contain Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) Data. Volume mors_0210 is available on-line. Request other volumes if required.

Volumes mors_0401 - mors_0584 contain Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Mapping Data. Volume mors_0410 is available on-line. Request other volumes if required.

Volumes mors_0601 - mors_08xx contain Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Mapping Data. Volume mors_0610 is available on-line. Request other volumes if required.

Complementary dataset

Link to the MRO T-P Radio Science dataset