
    Cassini Jupiter and Saturn Global Map Page

    Brief description of the data

    Data from the Cassini Imaging Subsystem (ISS) archive was searched to find high resolution multicolor maps of the Jovian atmosphere. As a result, 4-color maps were generated ranging from UV to Near IR.

    Characteristics of the Data Set

    Filter 1Central WavelengthBandpass FWHM (nm)Effective WavelengthNumber of Maps
    Derived from the ISS users guide

    The data is accompanied with browse files and image information files


    Porco, C. C., and 19 colleagues, 2004. Cassini Imaging Science: Instrument characteristics and anticipated scientific investigations at Saturn, Space Sci. Rev. 115, 363-497.

    Citing data sets for publication:

    Li, Liming (2023), Cassini ISS Global Maps of Jupiter and Saturn Bundle, NASA Planetary Data System, https://doi.org/10.17189/rkkb-6y30.