Point-by-Point Surface Meteorology Data
    July 4 1997 (Ls 142.3 MY 23) to Sept 27 1997 (Ls 188 MY 23)

    Pathfinder Meteorology graph
    Pathfinder Meteorology pic

    The DERIVED NEAR-SURFACE ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURES and SURFACE PRESSURE values during Session #1030 from the Mars Pathfinder Meteorology (MET) Instrument Package. This session was 89052 seconds in duration, starting at ~6 AM on Sol 25 of the mission, with a sampling rate of 0.25 Hz (producing 22262 measurements) . Session lengths ranged from 152 to 89052 seconds; there were a total of 1430 sessions through the duration of the mission.

    All of the variables mentioned for the figure above: the derived thermocouple temperatures, the derived pressure, and the derived wind sensor signals (temperatures), are provided within the sr1030s.tab ASCII file located within the sr10xxs folder which itself is within the scidata folder within the surf_rdr folder of the Mars Pathfinder Lander Meteorology data archive mpam_0001.

    The MET Instrument Package included three thermocouples attached near the Top, the Middle, and the Bottom of the MET Mast (plus a fourth thermocouple, the Descent thermocouple, located a bit below the height of the Top thermocouple). The MET Package also included a pressure sensor and wind speed and direction sensor.

    Useful Mission Documents

    The Data Description
    These data were acquired by temperature sensors, a pressure sensor and a wind sensor.
    Accessing the data volume

    Accessing the data
    Citing Data Sets for Publication
    Derived Data
    CITATION_DESC = Murphy, J.R., MPFL-M-ASIMET-3-RDR-SURF-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 1009.

    Raw Data
    CITATION_DESC = Schofield, J.T., MPFL-M-ASIMET-2-EDR-SURF-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 1998.