NAIF Support
Archived Phoenix SPICE ancillary data providing observation geometry (positions, orientations, instrument pointing, time conversions and the like) are available from the PDS' NAIF Node. Click on the PDS SPICE Archive link and look for Phoenix. Be sure to read the text on these web pages to understand exactly what SPICE data are available and how best to obtain them.
Use of SPICE data requires use of SPICE Toolkit software. You can use someone else's program that is built upon SPICE software (e.g. the ISIS image processing tool) or you can build your own software that incorporates whatever few SPICE Toolkit APIs (subroutines) are needed to do the geometry computations you desire. SPICE Toolkits for many programming environments are available.
If you are not familiar with using SPICE the NAIF Node website provides access to a variety of information. Go to the NAIF Node home page, and look at the topics on the left-side navigation bar.