- •Discusses instrument performance of pressure sensor

REMS Pressure Data
The pressure portion of the REMS data set includes a string describing sensor configuration, pressure measurements, absolute accuracy of the pressure measurement and a string describing the confidence level of the sensor. All fully processed data in this subset are available.
Columns in Reduced MOD RDR files:
(Pressure Sensor Configuration, Pressure, Pressure Uncertainty, Pressure Sensor Confidence Level)

The above plot displays daily averaged pressure in Pascals against solar longitude in degrees for the first 440 sols of the MSL mission.

This plot highlights the diurnal pressure cycle, or daily pressure variations, that occur at Gale Crater. It displays pressure measurements in Pascals over 3 sols of the MSL mission. The uncertainty of these pressure measurements is approximately 3.5 Pa.
Pressure observations by the Curiosity rover: Initial results, Harri et al 2014